Podcasting with Friends, episode 9

Rob and Kym mostly catching up on politics.

Time goes by sooo quickly when doing these chats. I’m seriously considering getting a personal zoom license so I can at least go an hour. But we’ll see.

Meanwhile, here is a link to the Robert Reich article I referenced.

And a correction / clarification: Rob was referring to Chris Hedges not Michael Hedges.

Tags for this one (in order) include: #Tech Love Hate, #moving, #new apartment, #Evo9MR, #Mitch McConnell, #seizure, #Robert Reich, #geritocracy, #Joe Biden, #democrats, #robert kennedy jr, #hillary clinton, #political dynasties, #Green Party, #Jill Stein, #humanitarian, #Obama, #Hope and Change, #Mr. Eloquent, #Cornell West, #war machine, #Vivek Ramaswamy, #Nikki Haley, #Mike Pence, #Chris Christie, #Rudy Giuliani, #drunk Rudy, #high functioning alcoholic defense, #fall from grace, #stop and frisk, #FDNY, #9/11 grandstanding, #Sacklers, #Oxycontin, #RudyColludyDrunkGuliani, #SiriusXM, #Trump in Georgia, #Mea Culpa, #Midas Touch Network, #The Bulwark, #podcasts, #clocks, #temu, #Trump crime family vs the biden crime family, #Ivanka’s China Patents, #Jared Kushner’s $2billion from the Saudis, #Charlie Sykes, #MarjorieQGreen, #MAGA, #Kevin McCarthy, #eat themselves up and implode, #GOP Baffoons, #baffoonery, #loyalty, #write-in, #fomo, #death fomo, #Baldur’s Gate 3, #Steam, #SteamDeck, #computer, #Think Station off craigslist, #256gb ram, #midi, #linux, #daw, #music studio, #brutal summer heat, #dogs