NaNoWriMo 2023

I’m feeling very authorish.

NaNoWriMo 2023 started yesterday. woohoo!!

As you may recall, last year my NaNo project was 30 Stories in 30 Days. And even if I do say so myself some of those stories were pretty damn good!

This year I’m working on my forth novel. The title is Something about A.I. which is a placeholder because I don’t have a title yet. But it is, indeed, something about A.I. In fact, A.I. is my main character. I think of this character as a Vulcan. A real Vulcan, not a half-breed like Spock. 🙂 I have posted the first (draft / raw) chapter on, here, if you’re interested.

To “win” NaNoWriMo is to complete the challenge of writing 50,000 words in 30 days, by the end of November. I usually write more than that. I am, so far, on track having today completed 4,217 words.

IBM is also a character in my book, much the way IBM was a character in the television series, Halt and Catch Fire. Gods, I loved that show!

So two days in I’m full of energy about my subject and loving being back in the habit of writing every morning and then spending the rest of the day thinking about my characters, plot, and story arc. As always I’m not exactly sure where things are going to go. One of my characters already pulled a surprise on me. That is so much fun when it happens!

In addition to NaNo, I think the BAWL Anthology will be finished today. It is due to be printed via Amazon KDP by November 15th. Can I just tell you, KDP is not very friendly. You can’t just wing it on that – it’s a mini project where you need to have your requirements clear and deal with all your predecessors in a plan like method. I’ll write more about that another day.

In support of NaNo, BAWL is hosting a daily write-in. Every day at 9am I’m on that Zoom call with various other writers as we all face the challenge of finishing our 50,000 words by the end of the month. It’s fun right now but I’ll probably be in some pain by mid-month.

But today with all these goings on I’m feeling quite authorish. And it’s 58 degrees too! yay!!!

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