My Life Remembered

My life remembered
A collage of images
A book of moving pictures
By a smell, a date, a word
Or nothing at all

Flashes or prolonged
I try so hard to stay there
They’re the best of my times
In the moments, the feelings
Not all of them good

So good they can hurt
Nostalgia that stabs the heart
Longing for the times gone by
So many but not enough
Ending comes too fast

Flash another scene
When my little boy is four
Precious, innocent, charming
Determinative for me
The love of my life

Vancouver Island
Two-up from top to bottom
He was fun, caring, and mine
But he’d left me before that
My last life partner

It’s like time travel
Yesterday again I’m four
Nineteen sixty four Worlds Fair
Beyond thrilled, more than wondrous
Young mind astounded

Hempstead Long Island
Abuela’s Tabu perfume
And long black hair in a bun
Such pain when I had to leave
Three but mostly her

Loved ‘tucky Gramma
Wiffs from her country kitchen
Aunties house smells like fresh wood
Fresh cut grass and flat cow pies
Black dirt and red rock

The magnificent
Colors, rainbows, and shadows
The art of nature is sharp
Observing in naive awe
Thinking it will last

Mother and Father
Pain from Mom now muted
Often missing those Dad chats
Decades gone time just goes on
Daily thoughts of them

Back to sixty-four
Realizing I am close to old
I’m much too close to dying
Of what comes, of the losses
My losses and yours

In looking ahead
My mysterious demise
Better to watch my movies
Collages and memories
Beautiful and sad

Happening too fast
Yet the past spools out so vast
So many versions of me
A very good life well lived
How much more to come…

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