A am astounded!
Yesterday I decided to go to a protest. This is not something I do because I don’t like to travel to attend protests but this one not only was in my backyard but it was about something I care deeply about and that is what is happening with the unlawful detention and deportation of immigrants present in the USA.
The blurb on REDDIT said there was to be a protest at 3pm at the Ervan Chewy Dog Park. I’m very familiar with that location so I went. I was there before 3 but the place was already packed.
This is on Richmond Ave, blocks from the dog park where the event was to be held. The traffic was completely snarled. Those police on horseback I did not see again but there were a few who were trying to help with traffic – unsuccessfully.
There were thousands of people. Mostly young people, I’d guess under 40. They were carrying signs and Mexican flags. The signs said things like: WE WERE HERE FIRST! and IMMIGRANTS MAKE AMERICA GREAT! There were trucks and cars full of people waving flags and playing traditional Mexican tunes. It was really inspiring. I crossed over one of the bridges (at last) that went over the SW Freeway and the bridge was full of people. They were impacting the traffic on I59/69 / SWF. There was no place to park but many blocks away I did find a space and attempted to take pictures but the whole area was very dynamic. Peacefully so.
I don’t use Twitter but John King does:

Later that day I went to look at all the places one might look for news and found none. Even ground.news had no reports and at this moment has only one. And it doesn’t cover the half of what went on. I have finally found a local story:
This reporter does not cover that fact that there was a companion protest in other parts of Houston, such as in Hermann Park or the ones in Dallas and Austin and who knows where else.
Turns out these protests happened across the USA. But where is the news?!
There are a few, IF YOU SEARCH FOR THEM, news articles today such as this one from Newsweek.
Apparently Texas (a red state) and California (a blue state) had protests but so did many other states. Honestly, we don’t know how many because this is so under reported. But that Newsweek article says:
Protests have also been seen in Arkansas, Missouri and Georgia. According to the local ABC News affiliate, demonstrators took to the streets in Northwest Arkansas over the weekend for the second week in a row to protest against Trump’s immigration policies as protesters said they strongly oppose arrests in sensitive areas.
Around 1,000 people took to downtown St. Louis streets on Saturday to protest against Trump’s immigration policies, according to National Public Radio (NPR), with one protester chanting “Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here.” Another protester later yelled: “No ICE. No KKK. No racist USA.”
In Georgia, hundreds of protesters gathered along Buford Highway in DeKalb County on Saturday as protesters marched in the street, shutting down a portion of the highway.
It is clear to me that this is a matter that the people in the USA care about; they care about what is happening. They care that without a warrant or due cause people are being ripped from their families and communities are being threatened. They care that people they know, respect, and care for are afraid. They / We also know that plenty of places, businesses, industries will shutdown without immigrant workers. So wouldn’t this justify some serious news coverage? Or is everyone, and by everyone I mean news agencies, just too busy sucking up the trump admin dysfunction – their bread and butter – to report on what the people really care about?
Both of my parents were born in the USA. I saw plenty of people at the protest who didn’t fit the supposed “illegal immigrant” M.O. at the rally yesterday. Montrose is a gay area within Houston and I saw many couples there, people of color, Asians; but it is true that the vast majority of folks at the protest were young Mexican (they had their flags as badges of honor, as they should) people and I think I know why they were young. The older folks were too scared to be there. The youths were speaking up for their elders.
Where is the news? What a sad situation.
And it continues!!